10 ways to display your photos

I’m a bit of a happy snapper and nowadays with digital photography, we can take thousands of pictures without having to worry about storage space or developing costs. If like me you actually end up paying to have many of these photos printed, you’ll find yourself at a loss for what to do with all those precious keepsakes.

There’s only ever so many surfaces that can take my large number of photo frames so I’ve been scanning the web for ideas of what to do with my vast collection.

Here are 10 of the best solutions I found:

1. This gigantic frame found on Shelterness would certainly take a lot of my loose photos!

2. Absolutely gorgeous photo wall also found on Shelterness. No idea how they do it but I want it!

3. Very cute and practical organised display via pinterest

4. Another beautiful large frame seen on pinterest

5. Lovely use of an old wooden pallet seen on Shelterness

6. My favourite: Photo table runner spotted on the Ruffled blog

7. Sweet washing-line photo display from Shelterness

8. Grown-up photo display from Shelterness

9. Super cute washing-board photo frames from amylucy

10. Brilliant idea! Snowglobe-esque mason jar display from A Beautiful Mess

Now, that should be enough to get your creative juices flowing and your fingers itching to do something with all those boxes and albums of precious memories that have until now been gathering dust.

I’d love to see your favourite photo displays too!