DIY magnetic fabric noticeboard the lazy way

As you will remember, my new monsoon magnets pressured me into re-covering my whiteboard to complement their loveliness.

You’ll notice that this is a ‘lazy way’ tutorial. Once I decide to do a project, it’s happening, regardless of whether I have the right tools or enough time to do it. Inevitably, things can sometimes be a little botched (by the end of this post you’ll see..) but they usually end  up alright!!


This project was a true case in point. I had cute floral fabric, check. And nice magnets, check. A way of attaching the fabric to the board….now that wasn’t as easy. First I tried superglue, that sticks anything right? Wrong. Apparently it doesn’t stick fabric to plastic. Well, what can I say? You learn something every day. Not to be defeated by mere superglue I got to thinking of an alternative.  After a while I found myself thinking, hmmm….uhh…sellotape?

Yes, that’s right, I used sellotape and literally wrapped the board like a big flat present. It wasn’t big and it wasn’t clever but it WORKED, so there. I now have a nice magnetic fabric noticeboard. As long as no one takes it off the wall and looks at the back, they’ll be none the wiser.

Matalan Magic

This week, after a colleague was excitedly showing round her new crockery from Matalan I decided it was high time I visited my local store.

I’m jolly glad I did, just look at the bargains I picked up! The plates and bowls were only £3 each and the teapot a mere £8.

Adorable right? I couldn’t resist. Matalan has definitely earned its place on my hot list of go-to places for affordable homeware.

Dunelm Delight

I’ve been going shopping mad over the last few weeks. There are so many beautiful things on sale that I just can’t seem to help myself. I’ve also been getting pretty crafty so keep an eye out for posts featuring my latest handiwork.

My most recent purchase was this gorgeous floral duvet set from Dunelm Mill that will go very nicely with my French memo board.

Completely Cath Kidston-esque I think you’ll agree. And the best bit: it only cost £19.99! Utter bargain!